We equip workplaces to shift the dial on equity, inclusion and diversity.
We resource compassionate, talented, change makers (psst...that's YOU!) to step up in your leadership, co-create a more inclusive world, without burning yourself out.
Are you an EDI leader? Click here to find out more about our EDI leaders programme.
Who are Catalyst Collective?
Catalyst Collective exists to equip your organisation with tools, skills and mindset shifts to co-create a more inclusive and actively anti-racist workplace, where everyone can thrive and feel they belong.
We work with Inclusion and Diversity leaders to step into your influence as internal change agents, sustain momentum and see through the culture change you dream of.
We support senior teams to engage in the I+D conversation, shift mindsets and create space at the table.
We’re on a mission to create a more inclusive world - join us!
Work With Us
As Seen In
“Catalyst Collective have been a true partner in our Inclusion journey. They’ve brought expertise and experts to help design solutions on Inclusive Leadership skills, Race/Ethnicity linked Reverse Mentoring programme and in creating safe spaces for leaders and colleagues to be their true selves and share experiences. which helps bring the change that in turn enables us be more inclusive as an organisation.
Catalyst Collective bring in a consultative approach and not only do they offer their expertise, they’re a trusted advisor always thinking about the impact we’re looking to create through our Inclusion programme and facilitating the same.
It’s a real pleasure to partner with them.”